Sunday, April 17, 2011

It's Choice Not Chance That Determines Your Destiny

I love that title....don't you??

I choose to continue on this health driven journey. I chose not to eat certain foods...not that I will never eat them again but for now I am choosing to skip them. I choose to go to the gym and workout. I choose to park further from the building or store and walk further. I chose to drink as much water as I can stand. I choose to stay positive and not let negative forces get to me. I choose to continue to dream. I choose to continue to laugh. I choose to embrace life at every turn.

I can hope my destiny is a long life, healthy, happy and filled with love and laughter.

The choices I make today ensure the destiny I have chosen will happen. Yes, will happen not might happen.

The best choice I can make is to have faith and believe. It is not all in my control.......I believe someone greater than me will give me the tools I need to be successful. Those tools are drive,determination and perseverance.

Bottom line is I choose me......

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