Sunday, May 1, 2011

Diminishing Our Accomplishments

You put on a new top that looks put on an old top that looks better than the last time you wore get a compliment.......what is your response.....I always say something like "Oh, this is 9 years old and I just found it in the back of the closet".

Why can't I accept a compliment?
Why when I have done something worthy of note, do I feel a need to make it not sound like a big achievement?
Why is it I won't give myself credit for the good things I am doing?
When will I feel it is OK to accept the praise or compliment and just say thank you without attaching an excuse or playing it down?

I am doing some pretty special things these workouts at the gym.....just keeping up my visits to the gym several times a week.......getting up early on Sunday to go to the gym (part of that is to avoid the families with young children).....eating veggies til they are coming out my ears......working it so I can have lunch with a friend and not ruin the rest of the fact working the rest of the day so I can enjoy lunch with my friend.......volunteering to do the weeding in front of the house and spread out the ant killer instead of asking someone else to do it.......

Any of these activities might not seem worthy of note by anyone else (see here I go again with the minimizing thing....uuuggghhh).....but to me it is more activity than I used to do before....

I do feel good about why do I not feel comfortable when others point it out to me....well just another thing to work on.....

Say something nice to me and I will try to say a simple "thank you" without any additional commentary....well at least I will try.....

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