Sunday, May 1, 2011

Do What Your Heart Wants

" If you do not do what your heart wants you to can destroy you."

I don't think it will destroy you if you don't do what your heart wants but it sure does make you happier to do what your heart wants.

My heart wants several things:
1. To continue to write....whether it be this blog and maybe from this blog comes a book....who knows.
2. Laugh you know what I did Friday at work? At around 3:30 I felt a need to break I cranked up my IPOD and encouraged people to dance. I know it sounds silly and was against the rules but it felt....freeing!!!
3. Celebrate the small victories.

Writing melts my heart. My daughter melts my heart. Good friends melt my heart. Laughter melts my heart. Vodka....never mind....that just melts my brain.....LOL.

My quest to get healthy is strengthening my heart.......that means more time to do the things that will make it melt......I may have to make a list so I don't miss doing anything that really me.....

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