Saturday, May 21, 2011

Stress Relief 102

Life is a journey not a destination, but it does not mean the road is not bumpy along the way....

Wish I could remember when I saw this quote.....maybe Mary will remind me.

I am trying to figure out how to deal with the stress in my life. I read this week that stress can slow weight loss, cause your hair to fall out and have a negative impact on your overall health.

The problem is that work can be stressful, home can be stressful.....oh in general can be stressful!!!!

This is something I am really trying to focus on. I cannot remove all of the stress from my life but I can sure try and minimize it and it's effect on me.

I do not have all of the answers.....but I do have some strategies that I am going to try.

I am not going to work this hard to get healthy to end up having stress kill me. It will involve me changing they way I handle issues or people......some may not like it too much.....but at this point in my life where I am focusing on me I really have no other option than to make some changes.....yes, I am being selfish focusing on me.....I am only sorry I didn't do it 20-30 years ago. I better not think about might stress me out......

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