Sunday, May 15, 2011

It Is Never To Late To Be What You Might Have Been

I can only agree with this statement to a certain degree......there are some things as you get older that are part of the past and you just have to accept that fact.

But there are some things that it may not be too late to accomplish.....

I still have time to get published.
I still have time to improve my health.
I still have time to know what it is to be truly loved and appreciated.
I still have time to create new memories with family and friends.
I still have time to learn to speak Italian (working on this one already).
I still have time to travel to the places I have dreamed of....just have to make the money...still have to figure the $$ part out.

It's too late to be prom queen.
It's too late to become a speech writer.
It's too late to get better grades in school.
It's too late to go away to college.

It's OK though.....the things I still have time for are exciting and challenging. I am going by the rocking chair theory.....what will be important when I am old sitting in my rocking chair. Will it be that I was not valedictorian or will it be that I had fun with my friends and knew how to love and laugh......I am thinking it's the latter.....

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