Sunday, May 1, 2011

A New Beginning

"Nobody can go back and start a new beginning but anyone can start today and make a new ending"......I love this quote!!!!

I tend to view each day as a new beginning......maybe because I make so many my head I sound like I did when I was 8 and my favorite phrase was "Do Over....Do Over"

My new life is a do-over. I no longer feel that a misstep means my journey is over. In the past I would throw in the towels at any turn. Now I just try to do it better or righter (I know, I know.....there is no such word as righter). Each day I plan and analyze......I chose and I reject......I embrace and I ignore.

But most of all......I dream!!!!

My story like everyone else's starts with "Once Upon A Time"......I hope the ending says "And she lived happily ever after." With the changes and choices I make each day, I think I am on the right path.....yes there are twists, turns, bumps and hidden obstacles.....but each time I hit one of those I just have to make a decision....if it's right....great!!! If it's wrong....well then that's the time to begin again and head toward a happy ending!!!!

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