Sunday, May 1, 2011

Oprah quote.....

"Challenges are gifts that force us to search for a new center of gravity. Don't fight them. Just find a new way to stand."
— Oprah Winfrey

I feel that I face challenges every day. Challenges in food choices......challenges in the way the world perceives me.......challenges in staying focused.....challenges in not letting others hurt me.

It can be like walking in a field of landmines.

Searching for a new center of gravity.....reminds me of the gym. Carol has me work on my core muscles. I work on balance and strengthening my core. My flexibility is good but now I also have built up MY center of gravity.

Finding a new way to stand.....Carol works with me on standing on my heels instead of the front of my feet. She has me stand on one leg and stay as straight as possible.....then I do it on the other leg.........then no legs ( LOL....only kidding....wanted to see if you were still paying attention....LOL). The balance is so hard. I am not sure if it is because of my weight or the fact that I have never been very stable standing on one leg. Thank goodness I have never had to pass a sobriety test doing that......

Each day I try to find a new way to stand and from that I learn a new way to walk.....I try to walk with more confidence.....I try not to keep my eyes down.....I try to look straight ahead but my fear of falling is still in the back of my head.....will that fear ever fade?

I hope it does.....with each step I move further and further away from the past leaving the challenges behind....

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