Saturday, May 21, 2011

Changing It Up

I am going to try and change things up a little.....

Partly due to cash flow issues and partly due to needing a break......I am going to try my trainers suggestion......take a break from Weight relax.....I didn't say giving up watching what I am eating and my pursuit of a healthier lifestyle.....

I am taking a break from the weekly weigh-ins and only getting on the scale once a month. Carol feels I am weighing myself too much and am letting the slowness and plateau's effect me too much.

I am trying to focus on the sugar in food, the carb's, the fat's and working on healthy eating.

This week I brought salad for lunch three times. I changed from bagels to wheat flat bread for breakfast on the days I didn't have oatmeal. If I didn't feel like much for dinner .....guess what.....I didn't eat much. I snacked on low fat microwave popcorn. I drank more water. This was all good. If I could just give up my afternoon pretzels (all 20 of them). I know 20 isn't a lot and I do count them out to put in a snack bag but as Carol said.....they are made of nothing but flour and water.....not a good option.

The numbers need to start moving again....there are enough people who know what I am trying to do that falling off the wagon isn't an option so don't worry that I will stop my journey. I promise I will not!!!!

As far as the goal is 4 times a week but I am now going to try and get there a 5th time each week. I AM NOT GIVING UP THE GYM !!!!!!!

Sometimes when you do things for a long period of time a break is a good idea.....don't worry I promise I will not let the numbers go up!!! By the end of the summer.....I may be ready to return to the weekly meetings at WW.....but for now I prefer to get just a little extra sleep and workout at the gym before it becomes the family swim club later in the day on Saturday afternoons.....

I am hoping this temporary change will be the shot in the arm I need to see some number movement......I know I know....I keep on saying it is not just about the numbers.....and it's not.......I am giving it the summer to see if I need to make further adjustments.....I will let you all know how it goes.....

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