Sunday, May 29, 2011

Some recipes should not be toyed with....

We were having a Memorial Day snack day at the office. I brought a couple of finger foods. As I was tasting some of things I was bringing I realized some did not taste great since I used fat free this and fat free that....once I added some spices and did some tweaking ....they turned out OK. I have heard time and time again that you can't always totally rework recipes.....

I ended up pitching a few things just because they tasted too bland or just not appealing enough to share with my co-workers. I brought a tray of cucumber slices and grape tomato's and forgot the good tasting dip I had managed to pull together. I tried to have some of what everyone else brought and not cause too much damage.

I read this week.....healthy eating is not about deprivation. You can allow yourself to have some just have to watch how much you have and how often.

I wasn't hungry when I got home so guess what I did???? Skip dinner......what a novel idea. This is something I am trying hard to be aware of ......when I am hungry and when I am just eating for the sake of eating. I did the same thing on Saturday.....I had a light breakfast and lunch but wasn't really hungry for guess what I did again....I skipped dinner.

My fear is that my body will think I am trying to starve it so it will hold onto the fat......just great.....I am not eating because I am not hungry and my body thinks I am betraying it......

UUGGHH....I give up......if I eat...I gain......if I don't eat....I don't lose.....I really need to figure this out.....

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