Sunday, May 22, 2011

Pre-Natal Vitamins at 55...uugghh!!

Things I can do to have thicker hair.....take the pre-natal vitamins, hang my head upside down for 5 minutes each day, massage my scalp, use conditioner, use Rogaine for women (I already get my face waxed Lord knows what this will do to me)...

OK guys this is where you might want to sign-off....

My gyno says it may be hormonal, thyroid issues, or due to the big M (menopause) I might have too much of something and not enough of something else.....who knows......she also said it could be stress STRESSED???? Have any of you ever seen me stressed??? I just let things roll off my back.....right?? Easy as the wind (maybe that wind took my hair).....

I know you will all be hanging on the edge of your seats waiting to see how this turns out.....Lady Godiva watch out......the naked on the horse part......not a chance.....who would want to go there visually.....definitely not me!!!!

I want my hair to get thick and my body to get thin.....not the reverse!!!!

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