Saturday, May 21, 2011

A Rough Week

I didn't write any posts to this blog last week. That was the first time since I started this blog over a year ago that I had missed a week except for when I was in NY last year. I was in a funk and didn't really want to write how I was feeling. I struggled in a way that I hadn't in ages. The week-end was mentally exhausting. When people know your Achilles heel......they go for it......

I had a Pampered Chef Party at my house Saturday morning. If I could have I would have cancelled it!! The morning had been horrible.....then I had to smile while entertaining my guests. I had hoped that Sunday would be better but to no avail. I hate that I wasted 48 hours putting up with the frustration of others.

Hey guess what.....I know what I look like......I know my hair is thin......I know I am not perfect......but who the hell put the bulls eye on the middle of my back or hung the kick me sign on me.....

To have someone reminds you of your flaws not only magnifies them but also can kill any confidence I may have.....

I cannot fix those around me who are suffering but that doesn't mean I should have to be the target of their frustrations.

What's the solution???? I am not sure ......Right now I am trying to enjoy the good times.....the cup of coffee that a friend brings me at work.......the total nonsensical conversation with a good friend.......coming home to find a pot of Gerber Daisies in the planter in front of the house......small things.....but no less wonderful.....

Because of these small things......there a good days and those small gestures make the bad days endurable......

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