Sunday, May 15, 2011

Embrace Failure

This was a piece of advice that was given by a speaker at my nieces graduation. I could write a book on failure. Embracing failure is difficult. Failure itself is difficult. But if you can learn from failure ultimately you win.....

I know there are times I failed people I care about. Times I should have shown up to let them know I cared and didn't. I failed to focus on me when I should have. I failed to put myself first. I failed to let God handle things. I tried so hard to not hurt peoples feelings that in the end the only one I hurt was myself.

I now spend a lot of time reflecting on the things I didn't get right. I have learned for my failures. Fortunately.....once I make a mistake especially if it is a doozie.....I learn from it and try not to repeat it.

The great part about life is it is loaded with do-overs......not every wrong can be righted.....not every failure can turn into an success but every now and then I get it right the second time around. At least I hope I do....

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