Sunday, May 8, 2011

What A Week-End

So I started the week-end getting my face waxed (uugghh each time I say that I cringe).....I need to take a photo so everyone can see how much thinner my face looks after the it the skin removal that makes it look that way???

Next I went to the gym.....WOW......Friday nights at the gym are is not crowded and the pool only had a few people in it!!!!

Saturday morning up early and off to Jill's graduation.....we were there at 8:15, graduation was over by 11:15 , we went to lunch and were home by 3:00. Oh and by the way.....I did have to hike a bit to get from where we parked the car to the Colonial knees didn't hurt.....the hard part was I haven't mastered breathing through my nose so I always give my lungs a big I do not do well in crowds anymore.....but I persevered!!!

Next was a 2 hour nap....I usually wake up groggy but this time it woke up was 6:30....what a fast day!!!

Sometimes the week-ends are packed with this one was but it was all good.

On to Mother's Day....started the day at the gym and once again no one in the pool the whole hour I was there.

Then the fun started....went to Goodyear for 2 tires, came home and ironed and paid much fun can one person have.

Cool gifts from Jenn....she really knows me very well. Jenn went off to meet a friend and that is when things were getting a little....uuhhmm.....never mind.....I decided to leave the house. Went to my friends house and sat with my feet in their pool for 3 glorious hours while Dan made sure our refreshments kept coming. The weather was perfect!!!

Now I am home....a pot of sauce is cooking on the stove.....Jenn is making dinner and the week-end is over......

That went way too fast.....kind of scary....time seems to be moving at warp speed.... unfortunately....the week days do not move as quickly as the time from 5:00Friday til 8:00 Monday.....

Hey, is it almost Friday yet????

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