Sunday, May 29, 2011

To Bring The Bathing Suit Or Not......

Next Thursday, I am heading to Florida for my nephews wedding. Arriving on Thursday and going home Sunday. There will be some down time on Friday and Saturday. My sister-in-law reminded me to bring my bathing suit. I have no problem putting on my bathing suit for water aerobics but that's at the gym so I am comfortable.

But wearing it at a pool other than at the gym or my friends house puts me in a state of panic. I don't need any stares or laughs at my expense. I am already planning my strategy....first and most important....the bathing suit cover-up. I have one of those and can wear it around the pool. I can take it off at the last minute and get in the pool. I can also go to the pool early to workout.....that's a good idea. Not only will I be able to get in some exercise but I can also scope out the pool. The place to put my cover-up so I can grab it as soon as I get out of the pool. Not that a cover-up really covers up.....but at least I won't have to walk around in just my bathing suit.

Being overweight affects so much......and I am not one of those people who is so self-confident that I can have an I don't care attitude. That's part of the self-confidence I need to work on.

I will be going in the pool.....I think. I will laugh and not worry about what others think....I hope. I will get to a point where all of this will be a none issue......I pray......

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