Sunday, May 29, 2011

How many pictures does it take?

Last week, I was given the "You Rock" award at work. I appreciated being nominated and getting the recognition. Of course, there is a price for fame.......

I had to have my picture taken for the rock wall. The wall is visible as soon as you get off the elevator. There are photo's of the 4 weekly winners for the last 4 weeks holding their rock.

I was supposed to decorate the rock.....I ran out of time!!!

Then I had to take a picture holding my decorated rock. OK so I grab the small Elmo I have in my office, plop the rock in his lap and voila....a decorated rock.

Next poor Mary had to take my picture. It didn't help that I was wearing what I refer to as one of my fat shirts (the kind that are not flattering). This meant Mary had to take several pictures (7 or 8) from various angles. She even climbed on a file cabinet to get a shot looking down at me.

More problems.....I have a terrible time forcing a smile....I tried again and again. Mary would make me laugh....the camera would go off.....and I had forgotten to hold me smile.

Well, my photo is on the, Elmo and the rock......

No more awards THANK YOU!!! I can't take the pressure.....

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