Sunday, May 8, 2011

Counting By Ones

When I work out in the pool I do everything by 100's. If I do jumping jacks, I do 100. If I hang on the side of the pool and kick, I do it by 100. If I do karate kicks, you guessed it .....I do 100. My time in the pool passes quickly because of the constant counting in my head. I sometimes counts out loud......

The good things is by counting out loud, I don't appear rude when I don't talk to anyone. I do not yell the numbers but you can see my mouth is moving. If the lip readers from William and Kate's wedding saw me they would be saying "Donna is now counting to 100". The counting is good because I keep focused and make sure I do each exercise the same amount of time. For good measure I throw in some jogging and have gotten up to a pretty good pace in the pool.

Then I climb out of the pool and the weightlessness I felt in the pool is gone. Back to reality.....

I would love to get to a point where my work outs on dry land and as easy as the ones in the pool.....but is that possible?? I know people who are in great shape but never say their workouts are easy....but I guess that is the point of all is supposed to be a challenge so you can feel accomplished.

Counting today, I will be at the gym 4 times this week.....and I am looking forward to it......OK me looking forward to the gym......hhhmmmm.....that is a surprising statement coming from me.....

Taking it one day at a time......counting by ones.....

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