Sunday, May 1, 2011

Squeezing Into Small Spots

I had just finished my water aerobics class.....60 minutes of constant motion and a lot of cardio. Move, move, move, kick, kick, kick, swim, swim, swim and on and on....

I feel like a worn out dish rag as I exit the pool. I got changed and was happy to be heading home....

Then I get to my car.....

Some jackass has decided the white line between our cars is where his tires should be!!!!

I can barely open the door to the second seat to put my wet towel and bathing suit in the car.

Now I have to get myself in the car. There is no way my door is going to fully open.....damn!! I look at the other side of the car......I could get in on that side and climb over into my seat but then I have to climb across the center console and the shift.....won't that make a pretty sight.

Jenn has already left the parking lot.......I think about calling her to come back and give me a hand.

Then the most amazing thought came into my head..........maybe I could actually fit through that small area and get in the car!!!! WOW.....that hadn't even entered my mind. I am so conditioned to saying I can't do this or I can't do that.......that it never occurred to me I could do this......

Now I am not going to say it was easy or looked very pretty but guess what.....I got in the car!!!! I won't go into details about how I squeezed myself through that small spot but the bottom line is......I did it!!!!

Not that I want to do that again soon but at least for that second......I knew I had done something I wouldn't have been able to do a year ago......and that makes me happy!!!!

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