Sunday, May 22, 2011

Follow Your Heart It Will Never Let You Down

If I truly followed my heart where would I be today??

There are things I would change but only because of the wisdom I have gained through the years.

One thing I would NOT change.....being a Mom. At the end of my life I know that the best thing I ever did was have Jenn. I rock as a Mom!!!! WOW !!!! I said something positive about myself.

Writing.....I have always loved to write. From the poems in elementary school (Halloween is lots of fun when children laugh and play....they go to almost every house and trick or treat they say.....) to the poem I wrote that was painted on the windows of Preston High School
(this is when I show my age.....I wrote a poem relating the three wisemen following the star to the three astronauts traveling to the moon....ok it was 1969 and it was very timely) to this blog. Writing has been a thread that has run through my life but was put on the shelf during long periods of time. I started college as a journalism major......why I switched majors......funny.....I don't remember......such a big decision and I can't for the life of me remember why....I wonder how my life would have been different if I had followed that path???

When I moved to South Carolina, I didn't know that my heart would grow to love life here. I was scared to leave NY. I never thought I would leave there. I loved the true seasons (yes, there are places with real seasons)......the beautiful colors of the fall (but I hated raking the leaves).....the cold weather (I think my mind has forgotten how cold it was, the heating bills and driving in the snow).....the city ( need I say more).....time with my family (if they could only be a few hours away). In the south I learned to love college sports.....learned you are never to old to make friends......enjoy sitting on the front porch...and thank God for central air. I learned I could step out of my comfort zone and be OK.

So bottom line is my hearts desires are to do something with my writing.....never to late to do that....and to be loved for who and what I am....the way I am right now.....

There are other things I would like to do but they are not my passions but my wishes.....more time to spend with friends......more time to laugh.....more time to travel.....less worrying about bills.....less worrying about money.....

I have let my brain lead me through most of my it is time to let my heart take the lead......OK heart where do we go?????

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