Sunday, May 15, 2011

Moral Obligations vs. Happiness

Here is another tough entry.....

I have made some decisions in my life based on moral obligations and given up some of my personal happiness in the process. I have no one to blame but myself. I am not being a martyr. I still believe in the long run I will find the happiness I may lack while making what I think are right choices.

Haven't we all thought.....if I knew then what I do now I would have made different choices?? Think about it.....if we are honest we would all admit we have said it at one time or another....

I know that although the choices I made have not been the best for me in retrospect, I can't fix that now. As I examine options to improve my happiness, I ask you to be patient as I try to figure it all out. One day I may feel this is the right decision the next I may have a different solution. All of this flip flopping can be exhausting......eventually I will figure it all out.....just hang in there with me while I sort it all out....

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