Sunday, May 15, 2011

You Never Know What Might Be Right Around The Corner

A guest on Oprah had a daughter who was died at an early age. The woman said her original plan was to commit suicide after her appearance. Fortunately she didn't. Several years later.....she was back on Oprah this week and she said she was grateful she changed her mind......her exact words were "You never know what might be right around the corner".


I think that is part of what has kept me going the last 18 months. I never know what might be next. None of us do.....

I guess it depends on how you look at the future or the unknown. I try to focus on the positive. I think around each bend is something good or even wonderful. My expectations are not huge I guess that might help.

Maybe I am afraid to expect the big things.....that might lead to disappointment.

Hhhhhmmmm......what would I like to see around the corner......I can't tell you....that my me it is pretty exciting......I can't wait to get there!!!

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