Saturday, July 23, 2011

110 Degrees and Still at the Gym

Thursday it was incredibly HOT!!!! It was one of those days when you walk out of work into a wall of heat. I was sweating in the car until the a/c somewhat kicked in. When the heat index is 110 the car feels like 120 and the air doesn't feel just feels cooler than outside. I even kept my windows open for a few minutes to get the heat out of the car.

I think I have mentioned in previous entries that heat makes me cranky.....I will say it again.....HEAT MAKES ME CRANKY!!!!!!

So by the time I walked into the gym I was thinking.....are you nuts??? It is hot and now you are going to get hotter. When I met with Carol she asked how I was doing I said "cranky". That didn't seem to affect her at all.....LOL. We had a good workout and I could feel the sweat running down my back. I know I had to look really bad......I kept using my t shirt to wipe my face. There was mascara on my shirt which meant it was no longer around my eyes, my hair was plastered to my head in some spots, my ankles were swollen and my knees were weak. But I got my workout in!!!!

I'm dreaming of a White Christmas........thank goodness winter is only 5 months away!!!!

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