Sunday, July 17, 2011

Italian Class

Besides the focus on healthy eating and getting healthier by working out at the gym, I also take Italian class once a week. I have always wanted to learn a foreign language. With a maiden name like Raboni and a married name like Pizzolongo it only seemed natural to want to learn Italian. I didn't have the finances to take a class. The suddenly I received an e-mail that a member of the Sons of Italy was willing to give Italian lessons.......FREE!!!!

Well, it has been 6 months and I am very slowly picking up the language. I have a harder time when someone speaks to me in Italian than trying to memorize the nouns, etc. When we do the speaking part, I try to find a word or 2 I recognize and build on that to see if I am getting it right.

The class is not only about speaking the language but also about the culture. Many times someone in the class will ask "How is this done in Italy?"

The added benefit is the friends I have made in class. You all know I operate in my comfort zone so going to class that first night not knowing anyone but Jenn was scary for me. I am so glad I went......I have made 7 new friends and have had a new family embrace me. Marika, our teacher, is very patient and knows I suffer from "test anxiety". Jenn is great at drilling me on nouns and such. There are times we get off track and end up talking about wills, customs, the Army.....LOL......we can head off in a zillion directions.

I am glad that I didn't let my fear of stepping put of my comfort zone stop me from going to that first class. So as I continue to work on my health, weight and physical activity.......I am also engaging my brain trying to learn a new language.

It is amazing how much all of these changes have added to my life........I never thought it could be so much fun......I am enjoying even minute of great is that!!!!!!

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