Sunday, July 24, 2011

I Got One Of My Wishes......At Last!!!!!

Guess what I did today????????????? This is big......for me!!!!!

I went to Kohl's and was able to shop off the rack.......YES, I said it.....I shopped off the rack!!!! WOO HOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I can't remember the last time I didn't have to shop in a specialty store. I am not saying I won't still shop in the specialty stores for some clothes but you don't know how wonderful it felt to walk into the store find tops that I could wear, go in the fitting room, try them on and like most of them. This is a banner day for me and something that gave me an extra boost!!! OK now I wasn't shopping in Petites...LOL.....we are talking reality not fantasy land but the Women's Dept. had things I could wear....YAHOO!!!!!

The funny part was I didn't really think about it until I walked out of the store. I went in thinking to myself....let me check out the Women's Dept and started to find things I liked......and when I tried them on and they fit that was even better.....then when I liked the way they looked......I felt like I had hit the jackpot!!!!

As I said, I was walking to the car when it hit me. I told Jenn what I realized I had been able to do and she gave me a high five!!!!

To those who have never struggled with finding clothes that will fit.... you will never understand how exhilarating this was for me.......

Today, I went into a fitting room and liked the reflection......oh I know I have so much further to go......but for a little while I was not the fat girl........I was just a normal person shopping for a few tops for my new job. And it only gets better from here!!!!

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