Wednesday, July 6, 2011

What Else Am I Going To Write???

A friend asked me what else I plan to write besides this blog. I will definitely not stop writing this on a weekly basis but what else can I do. I know I do not have the great American novel inside me. Essays, short stories, articles and columns......all real possibilities. I am writing my 1st short story.......I will see how it goes. Could I write a weekly lifestyles column a la Erma Bombeck....oh yeah!! I have written to some local newspapers with no response. I have approached a few magazines with no luck. I have even sent sent some essays to the staff of Chicken Soup For The Soul staff.....nothing from them either.

Usually I am not so sure of myself but this I am sure of......I write well. When passages from the letter I wrote about my Dad ended up in the book "Wisdom Of Our Fathers" by Tim Russert (you can google it), it was the confirmation I needed. I always thought I had the potential to be a good writer. Although I wish I had done something with it earlier in my's not too late. The editor of the Russert book and I communicated back and forth before the book was published.....he wrote that not only did he like my letter but also that I wrote well.....that right he said I wrote well!!!!

I wish I had stuck with the journalism major in college (OK I did switch majors a number of times). I wish I had become a speech writer......I think I would have been good at that.....

I will continue to write and send out to different venues samples of my words....I truly believe someone somewhere will either print something I have written or will give me a writing opportunity.....

I am not usually so confident but this time......I know what I how to make it a reality.....any suggestions???

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