Saturday, July 30, 2011

Mom Never Told Me About This....

This is going to be another one of those entries where you are going to say....OMG I can't believe she wrote this.......

When I went to my gyno she noticed that I had.....oh how do I say it.....raw skin under the girls....from sweating especially when I work out. She told me it was.....ready for this...."jock itch of the boobs".....dear God what else can happen to me.....I asked her what I could do to rectify this may have already figured it out.......the same cream you buy at the pharmacy for that male problem......

Do you know how embarrassing it is to shop for jock itch cream knowing it is for me???? The good part is the stuff raw skin, no itching, and no pain.

I just don't now how much more I can take of this crazy stuff that is happening to me...... is this one of those topics no one talks about??? I have never had a lunch or dinners with girlfriends and had this topic come OK I am putting it out there....who else wants to admit they have had this happen to them.......I am sure I am not the only Dr. spoke about it as if it was a pretty common experience......she was right .....wasn't she.....

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