Sunday, July 17, 2011

My Personal Dresser Comes Through For Me

A while back I was "kind" of joking about making this blog into a book and going on a book tour. I had friends volunteer to handle different tasks such a scheduling, being the front person, etc....

Diana, offered to my personal dresser. We have had a zillion conversations about the kind of clothes I would like to wear and my struggles to find the right look. I was lucky enough to have Kathy take what I envisioned and make it into the now famous "Oprah" top.

Anyway, on Friday I get a message from Diana, she wants to show me a top she thought I would like. She was going to buy it for me but she wasn't sure of the size and knows how self conscious I am about giving out any numbers in regard to me. Like any good personal shopper, she stopped to see me and had taken a picture of the top on her phone. Guess what........that lady knows my taste. As soon as I saw the picture I said "Oh yeah.....I love it". She then very gently mentioned the sizes they had it in and fortunately, they have it in my size (which is down from what I used to wear). After work on Friday, she went to pick it up for me!!!! I can't wait to put it on......I am so excited.

That's what I mean about friends......they think about you and know you sometimes better than you do yourself. I feel like I have my own.....Rachel Zoe!!!

How lucky can I get!!!! Thanks Diana.....your hired....I know you will be a blast on the book tour and always have me looking fabulous. Maybe I should schedule a lunch between Diana, my personal dresser and Kathy, my personal couturier......I am sure I would end up with an amazing wardrobe.........why didn't I think of that before?????

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