Sunday, July 31, 2011

It is even HOT in the pool at the gym

I really try not to whine about the heat.....too much. This summer the heat has seemed endless!!! To be thrilled with a day less than 90 degrees is sad....

I went to the gym this morning.....I was sweating before I left the house. I got in the pool and guess what.....I sweated. I did my workout and changed quickly to get in my car so I could put on the a/c. When you have this many days of continuous heat it does start to play into your moods. I went to Publix and walked out sweating. I couldn't wait to get back to my house where the central air AND ceiling fans are running. I can only guess what I will owe SCEG by the time the fall rolls around.

I am a cold weather girl. I thought I had gotten used to these long hot summers but this one seems more intense.....

So I am staying indoors for the rest of the day. I am going to cook turkey sausage and peppers so I have it ready for dinner one night this week. Although I have already planned the menu's for the week (yes I said plan the menu's for the week.....I not only plan them but I write them on a dry erase board on the fridge so everyone knows what we are having for dinner each night.....I know this is a little over the top but it works for me).

I am so ready for sweater the rate we are going that could be 6 months away.....until then......I guess I will attractive is that??????

1 comment:

  1. So, where is this new job located at? I'm glad you got one. I hope I find one, too!

    See you Wednesday, my friend!
