Saturday, August 6, 2011

Squeezing into small spaces....

When you are not petite you tend to analyze I too big for this.....will I fit in that........and on and on.

When I left the gym the other night the quickest way to my car was walking between two cars. For most big deal. But as a person of size (OK who made up that term....LOL), I tend to look and say "Oh that looks tight" and then walk around the cars to a bigger opening. Once I checked to see no one was watching me.....I decided to walk between the two closely parked cars. Guess what???? I made it through with space to spare. These are the changes that I do not see.....but now at least I have the courage to try.

I am sure there are those of you that think....she is crazy but for me it was another reason to celebrate and I did my mind. At this point I will celebrate every small victory I can.....

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