Sunday, August 21, 2011

I Miss Banana's

I am trying hard to work at the no white stuff.....flour and sugar.....

I haven't had fruit in a while. Which might explain why I drool looking at banana's, peaches, pineapple and on and on....

When I was at my friend's house Friday night.....I ate some of the fruit salad I brought. OMG.....when you haven't had fresh fruit in ages it is like a slice of heaven. I controlled myself and had just one bowl. I ate it a piece at a time. It was pure heaven!!!!

It is funny, I have never thought of fresh fruit as a treat but is it now!!!! Each fruit had such a distinct flavor.....the sweetness was amazing.....has my life changed or what???? In the old days, it would have been a brownie or a piece of cheesecake that would give me a sugar it is banana's and peaches......well, that is a good thing.

No, I will not be going back to eating fruit everyday.......I know I need to steer clear of as much sugar as possible but from time to time I may treat myself to some......better that than some of the other choices I would have made in the past......well what do you know maybe I am learning how to do this food thing after all.......

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