Sunday, August 14, 2011

The New Job

Being the new person in the office can be hard. You are trying to absorb as much as possible. I have almost finished a whole pad of paper on notes. Notes that I probably won't need in a few weeks. At the Site Meeting, you have to go up front when you are introduced. I think you all know about how I feel about standing out in public. I have a Blackberry that I am trying to figure out. I am having problems getting access to some systems. The IT people speak a different language than me. I want to be up and running, I want to come into work I know I am only a week or so away from that but I can't wait. I have had some really good help from some of the other managers and that is a plus. This week I will be pulling reports and Lisa is going to let me do things and she will watch vs. last week where I watched her. I am a hands on learner so this will be good for me. I am excited that I am remembering things I haven't had to think about for a long while. I am remembering to logoff vs signoff my laptop or is it signoff vs. logoff....either way I am doing it right....LOL. I am going on a trip to Maine in October for a Manager's Meeting. I know, I know....flying is not my favorite form of travel (unless the pilot will let me handle then plane) but it will be good I am sure. Just the idea of being in the Northeast in the fall.....oh yeah!!!

There are still test cases to be completed. As many of you know, I have "test anxiety". I was even worried I wouldn't pass the "P" test before I started my job.....not because of what was in my system but worrying about failure to perform......if you get my drift.

I prayed for some answers and they came in the form of this opportunity. I feel I did the right thing at the right time for the right reasons for me......and that is all that matters.

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