Saturday, August 6, 2011

At the new job.....the fat girl returns

I hate walking into a room of people I do not know. Going into an office where I do not know most of the people is a test of my self-confidence. This is hard for me. Until people know me on the inside all they get is the visual.....the fat girl. Once you get to know me, you know I am more than what you see. I hadn't felt like the fat girl for a while......not that I felt like Twiggy either but I was starting to feel comfortable in my own skin.

Well, I am back to square one when it comes to my office persona. Hopefully, it will not take too long for my new co-workers to get to know "Donna".....the person with a great sense of humor and a wicked laugh, the person who can cry when she is happy, sad, mad or laughing really hard.

Until that time, the fat girl will just have to work it out.....she has been there before and like in the past......will eventually fade so only I can see her. With each step, each choice of a right food and each step at the gym.......I am erasing her......maybe.....eventually she will disappear from my vision too.....

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