Saturday, August 6, 2011

Back on the scale....

It has been about 6 weeks since I had gotten on the scale. I decided that I would do it this morning. Once again I was nervous. I weighed myself 4 times, facing north, south, east and west. I know, I know......this is.....not normal. Anyway, I was down some. I have to lose another 5 pounds to get to my next goal. I have decided that after Labor Day, I will have 4 weeks in the new job, the weather will get cooler (hopefully) and I will really kick it into gear.

I can only focus on the 5 pounds.......I cannot look any further than that and that is OK.....for me.

I don't think I will get on the scale again for 4-6 weeks. It really is reducing the stress I was facing each Saturday. I would love to be down the 5 pounds by my next self-imposed weigh-in. If I am great.....if not then I will be by the next time or the next.....I am sure it will happen is just a matter of when....

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