Saturday, August 27, 2011

3 things....I don't want said about me when I die

The saddest summary of a life contains three descriptions: could have, might have, and should have. .....Louis E. Boone

When I go to meet my maker, I do not want these 3 things said about me so I better get with it quickly.

I could have been a writer, I could have worried less, I could have been more impulsive, I could have found.....not ready to complete this yet.

I might have been less afraid, I might have been smarter about how I handled my finances, I might have been a better student.....

I should have put myself first a long time ago, I should have been working out all these years, I should have paid attention to what I was doing to myself....

Here is where I can make some changes.....this is my chance for a re-do....

Instead of she could have....people will say.....she was a great writer, she knew how to laugh, she really got it together and took good care of herself...

Instead of she might have......people will say.....she enjoyed traveling, she really got herself in shape (whatever that may be) and she enjoyed her retirement...

Instead of she should have.....people will say.....she made the second half of her life what she really wanted it to be full of family, friends, laughter, adventure, and most important of all love....

It's not too late.....I have been making some changes......there are more to come just be patient with is going to be fabulous......

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