Saturday, August 27, 2011

Changing Direction

Like the storm that is heading up the East Coast......a small change in direction can affect millions of people. The small changes I am making in direction are affecting me in a million ways......

Today for example, I went for a pedicure. There is a small step up to the chair. I got up and down it with no problems. Also, getting up and down on the chair can be a little challenging. The chair is not connected to sitting down and getting my legs in the tub takes a little maneuvering. Getting out of the chair is a little more challenging. You have to get up sideways and there are no arms to lean on.....guess what I got up all by myself. I know this sounds so trivial but to me it is not. I have struggled in the past to maneuver out of that seat and sometimes had to make more than one attempt. Today.....I got it right the first time both up and down the step and up and down into the chair.

Like a storm.....I am a force to be reckoned with.....put up the storm warnings......I am here for the long haul and I am not giving up.....

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