Sunday, August 14, 2011

A New Way To Handle Disappointment

I have not been known as an emotional eater. I don't have a food fest when I am extremely happy or sad. What I do when I am sad, hurt or disappointed is want to throw in the towel.

Friday was one of those days. In a previous entry, I mentioned I was going to enter a contest to blog for a local Medical Center. In my heart of hearts, I really thought I would be one of the winning entries. I knew the competition would be tough but really thought my writing would be good enough to make the cut. Well, I found out Friday afternoon that I wasn't selected. In a split second, I was the last kid chosen for the baseball team, the girl who looked foolish at the cheerleading tryouts and the fat friend who gets ignored by the guys when out with her girlfriends at a bar.......all rolled into one. Once I read online that I wasn't one of the winners, I had to take a second and get myself together and try not to cry. I still had a few more hours of work left to do and being the new kid on the block......tears would not have been a good thing. I promised myself that I would allow myself to cry about my loss once I got in the car to go home. It took a lot to get through the rest of the day. Once in the car, I did cry a little. Then I continued my pity party by deciding to give up on it all......this blog, healthy eating, exercise and attempted weight loss.

Yes, I was done. The weight loss has been so slow!! The healthier food cost more!!! Why am I beating myself up at the gym??? If my blog wasn't good enough for the contest maybe no one would care if I stopped it all together. That's it I 'll fix them all......I am quitting it ALL !!!!

Then I got home and Scrooge said to Bob Cratchit " I haven't taken leave of my senses....I have come to them."

No, I will not stop this blog, my exercising, the attempts to eat healthy and my efforts to lose weight. I just needed time to regroup.

I have decided to increase my efforts at all of these once Labor Day is over. Why Labor Day you might ask? I will be in my job 4 weeks and in more of a routine. That will help a lot.

As far as this blog, I hope you readers are getting as much out of it as I am.....

I might be the last person picked for the team but that's OK. I am picking me first....and that is all that matters.

P.S.- On the Medical Center website, I posted a note congratulating the winners. It was the right thing to do. I took the high road even though at times the high road sucks. Who ever invented the high road was a jerk......

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