Saturday, August 6, 2011

Still working out in the heat

OK.....I don't know how much more of this heat I can take. It has been 1000 degrees since the 2nd week of May. I have yet to miss time at the gym. I have to tell you getting out of the car to a wall of heat to go somewhere that is meant for me to sweat.....ok is not normal. I sweat while working out in the ladies gym, I sweat while working out on the floor.....I even sweat in the pool. This shows my commitment to a healthier lifestyle but I also think it shows I should be committed. While I am sweating..... I try to think about last winter when I was so cold in the pool.

In a few months (hopefully), I will once again be complaining about how cold it is when I leave the gym. Until then......I just have to think of each droplet of sweat as a small step toward my ultimate goal.....I know it will be worth it....right???

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