Saturday, August 6, 2011

I am amazed at Facebook connections

There are things about Facebook that amaze me. The connection to old friends, the memories brought back and the chance to check in with family. This week I really saw FB in action. I asked my FB family and friends to go to the Lexington Medical Center page and "like" it. They could comment on why they liked my blog so I might have a shot at being one of the 8 bloggers selected to be part of EveryWomansBlog every month. At first, my directions were not that clear. My cousin, Teri, asked for further instructions. Then a friend from the 7th grade, Elaine, also asked for more info. Next thing I knew, Teri was talking to here is a cousin I have seen in hhhhmmmm 20 years helping a friend I haven't seen in almost 40 years. Come have to admit that is pretty wild......modern technology.......amazing!!!!

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