Sunday, August 14, 2011

A Hectic Week Ahead

I have a busy week coming up. I have a late meeting at the office on Monday, Tuesday is the gym after work, Wednesday I have a Manager's dinner after work, Thursday is my date with my trainer, my Italian class is meeting on Friday this week and of course back to the gym Saturday and Sunday. There goes the week....

Instead of looking at this with dread, I am trying to put a positive twist on all of this.....
Monday - late meeting - a chance to meet with Sr. Management- getting a feel for what is expected of me.
Tuesday - water aerobics - although it means I get home after 7 it is ME time.
Wednesday- Manager's dinner - this will be a good opportunity to get to know the other Manager's and Sr. Management outside the office. They will also get to know me.....what a treat for them....LOL
Thursday - my date with Carol, my trainer - time for me to see how I have improved physically and what I can do
Friday - Italian Class- this has been such a win-win.....making new friends and trying to learn a new language
Saturday and Sunday - back to the gym - more me time and a chance to sweat

So it's is not really so bad.....I will not jump out of bed on Saturday and Sunday at the break of dawn and will most likely squeeze in a nap but if I look at this week as an adventure and not with dread it will be fine.

I just have to go in with the right attitude and recognize this is just going to be a crazy week......I am sure it will fly......

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