Saturday, August 6, 2011

How to eat less.....get a new job

I started my new job this week. I was nervous driving there the first day so I skipped breakfast. By lunchtime, I was famished. My new boss invited me out to lunch with the other managers. We went to Chili's. I ordered a salad, did not eat the chips and salsa and drank diet coke. I was proud of myself for the choices I made. In the afternoon, I had a vitatop and some pretzels.....I know I know I need to stop with the pretzels....

The rest of the week I was out of my routine. I got to work and had meetings to go to so I didn't get to eat breakfast. I am in an office right now and feel funny closing the door to eat lunch. I don't want to be antisocial but also don't want people who do not know me seeing me eat. So I would hurry up and eat a piece of string cheese and some turkey pepperoni. For lunch, I would eat flat bread with low sodium ham and cheese or a PB&J sandwich. I might have a vitatop or some pretzels for a snack. I was good about drinking a lot of water. I also found out there is an ice machine so now I will bring my water mug with me.

Maybe by next week, I will feel more comfortable......I doubt will take a while.....once the people at my new job get to know me.......the last thing I want is them to think of me as the fat lady that eats in her office.....uugghh....maybe I should stop thinking I am that important.....I am probably thinking of it more than anyone else is......

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