Saturday, July 30, 2011

I Hate Saying Good-By....

Yesterday was a hard day. I had packed up my workspace......OK I had way too much "stuff". I spent the day winding things up. Making sure I had covered all my bases and didn't leave anything important undone. I hate good-by's. I had my last team huddle, finished delivering my mid-year reviews, had a team lunch and my last 1:1 with my boss. There was a steady stream of visitors stopping by and by the end of the day.....I was drained. I worked until 4:30. And then I walked out the door.....

I won't say I didn't cry because I did......I hate it but I am a crier.

Some people may disagree with my decision to leave......and some have said it right to my face. I don't need to explain my decision to everyone. I told the people that I felt needed to know why I was going. Now, I can spend the week-end as Jenn likes to call it "unemployed".....I call it "between engagements". Monday, I will have a new set of feelings....nervous, excited and ready for a new adventure.

I have to remember to post how things are going in a few months. By then I will kind of know the ropes.

I will miss the day to day interaction with my old work friends but I know in my heart it is the right time, right choice and right place I am heading to......

Today, I went through all my work "stuff". It has been divided into 3 groups.....real work stuff, I might bring this to work stuff and I am not sure this will ever leave the house again stuff......

Monday, I will remember to get off at a different exit on the highway.....I hope.....and I can't wait to see what is down that road.....

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