Sunday, July 17, 2011

Tough Decisions....

Sometimes life throws things at you that force you to be a grown-up and make big decisions. This was one of those weeks......

While I cannot go into specifics yet by next week I will share it with all of you. When I have to make a big decision......I let it consume me. It is all I think about. I stay awake at night trying to decide the right choice. It is like playing chess and trying to anticipate how this move will affect that move and on and on. I haven't even shared this week's struggle with Bob because that would only add to my indecision.....uuggghh. There is nothing worse when you are struggling for someone to keep saying "What have you decided?" or "have you thought about this"......

Listen is is hard enough to sit up on the fence without anyone trying to knock you off or causing you to loose we all know balance is not one of my strong suits so I sure don't need anyone adding to my confusion......I would hate to end up like Humpty Dumpty.....there are times I felt I looked like not so much anymore.....maybe now very Rubenesque.....LOL

The point is......I have thought about this from every angle.......I have done all of my "what ifs" and I am comfortable with my choice.....

So here are the second guessing "are you sure's are allowed" "well how about".....I can do that all by myself thank you!!!

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