Sunday, July 10, 2011

Did She Say Cardio????

I met with Carol on Thursday. I never quite know what to expect. It is probably good I didn't know ahead of time what she had in mind or I might have driven right past the gym!!!

I was already hot when I got to the gym from rushing out of the office late and trying to make it to the gym on time. Well, it was cardio day!!! I don't mean just a little cardio.....this was major CARDIO. At least for me it was.....

We worked on the stepper.....remember when I could only do it up one level??? No all my work is at a 2nd level.......I know, I know I need to be moving up a level but some days I feel like I am climbing Mt. Rushmore (you can climb that can't you?). Anyway, Carol mixed in lifting weights from the floor, side ways jumping jacks, curls, squats, lifting weights from my shoulders up and then back to the stepper......over and over again. Each time I would sit down and grab my water I knew I wouldn't be down for long. She would let me get a drink of water and then give me the "get up and get moving look". At one point my daughter asked me if I was OK......she said I looked like I was going to cry. I don't know why but I did felt like I might cry. I drank almost 32 ounces of water during our time together. Carol would never ask me to do something I can't do but she does push me as far she thinks I can go.

It wasn't bad enough that I was drenched in sweat but then I had to go out into the 90 degree heat. I cranked up the air in the car and headed home. I am not sure if I was happier about what I was able to do at the gym or because it was over.......probably a little of both.........

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