Sunday, July 17, 2011

Feedback on Sharing My Blog

I have had notices on facebook about my blog for 2 weeks. The feedback has been wonderful!!!! I have heard from cousins I haven't seen in years, from elementary school friends that I was in class with 45 years ago, new friends from my Italian class told me how much they enjoy my blog. So, I guess it was the right thing to do....

People have commented on my honesty and baring all my thoughts (well almost almost.....there are still a few things I am not ready to discuss even in this forum). I am giving you alot more info then I even expected is like peeling the layers of me and trying to figure out how much I can comfortably let go.

During the week, I start thinking about blog entries.....maybe something very funny happened or something serious or sad or something that got my mind going. I store them up (sometimes sending myself e-mails with titles). On Sunday, I sit at my computer and the words seem to pour out. Sometimes I laugh while I write, sometimes I cry......I can be very emotional.......are you surprised knowing me???? LOL I cry when I laugh, I cry when I am angry, I cry when I am sad......I am very self-conscious about it especially when I am angry.....maybe it is because I am so passionate about things like family, friends, life, love and laughter. That is what I try to share with you each week.

From the feedback I have gotten in the last few sounds like I have been successful.... :-)

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