Saturday, July 23, 2011

OK Here Is My Decision....

Last week, I posted that I had to make a big decision. I went back and forth, weighed the pro's and con's, waffled between change and staying in was a struggle. I finally made my decision.

To some this might not be a monumental decision but for was.

I am leaving the place that has been my home away from home for 11 of the 13 years I have lived in Columbia. I worked at Wachovia for 7 years and left for the wrong reasons. I went to 2 others jobs during the next 2 years and ended up back at Wachovia now Wells Fargo for another 4 years. It has been more than a job, it has provided me with some wonderful friends. With my work family, I have experienced weddings, births, graduations, illness and yes, even death. I spent almost more of my waking hours with my coworkers than I did with my family. There are bonds I have formed with my work friends that will not end with my departure.

So one more week and off I go......time for a new adventure. I am fortunate that I already know some of the people at my new job......that does make the change easier. I feel like a kid the night before the first day in a new school. I have already started asking questions.....can I wear my Croc's, do they have casual dress Friday, how many people will be on my team.......this is only the tip of the iceberg.....more questions will follow and in time I will know the answers.

My grandmother used to say she always looked forward to being in a new job about 3 months......she said by then you know where the office supplies are stored, where the bathroom is, you have gotten to know your coworkers and have a better idea of what is expected from you.

I am ready to start, my pencils are sharpened, my book bag is packed and my lunchbox is can someone tell me where my classroom is????

1 comment:

  1. You missed one thing ... either a butter & jelly sandwich on Wonder Bread or a tomato sandwich ... either, made in the morning and not eaten till lunch ... Oh, it has to be wrapped in wax paper ... stored in your "Bobby Sherman" lunchbox ...just to reference your "first day at school".
    Congrats on the clothing options!
