Saturday, July 30, 2011


I saw an article about a contest Lexington Medical Center was running. They were looking for 8 women to write a monthly blog. The monthly topic could have to do with anything at all. I entered the contest on the hopes that this might be the opportunity I have been looking for to write for a larger audience.

I was poking around and saw that a little blurb was put out about some of the potential bloggers. There are some really good writers out there. I also saw they had included a picture of me and my entry......that in itself felt good. On FB, I asked my family and friends to support me in this endeavor. I hope the powers that be will deem my writing skills and previous blog entries worthy of making it to the top 8. If I don't make just means there is some other path out there that I need to find.....and I will when the time is right.

I am keeping my fingers I just have to wait and see what happens......stay tuned......

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