Monday, July 4, 2011

I Threw Away The French Fries

Yes, I did it. I actually threw away French Fries......

Last week we had a team lunch. I ordered Grilled Chicken. It came with Cole Slaw and French Fries. The Cole Slaw was in a cup the size of a shot I knew I wouldn't gain 10 pounds from that. The grilled chicken was great. By the time I got to the French Fries.........they were cold. I ate one dipping it in ketchup. I picked up a second one and looked at it. Why on earth would I eat cold fries??? They do not taste good and there is no redeeming quality in cold fries. I think it was just habit that made me even think about eating them. I could have gone to the microwave and heated them up. But I wasn't worth it.

I think I have been so conditioned to eat whatever is in front of me that I don't spend the time to I really want it going to taste as good as I think it will......will just a small amount or taste satisfy me vs. eating the whole thing......

So why would I even consider eating a cold French was like getting hit in the head.....WOW..... I do not have to eat something just because it is in front of me.....RED ALERT RED ALERT......Donna has figured something new out....WOO HOO......she can choose what she wants to eat and it is OK to throw out what she doesn't want.......

New rule......I don't have to eat anything I don't want too and it is OK to pitch it out.....I would save left overs in the fridge....just in case I might want them later.....this weekend I threw out things I would normally save.....

This may seems like no big deal to most people.....but for me this is huge.....just another step along my path to a healthier, longer watch out cold fries and left overs.......your days are numbered

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