Saturday, July 30, 2011

So Do You Think Anyone Noticed But Me???

Everyone who reads this blog knows my obsession with hair.....not enough on the top of my head.....too much on my face. So while I lay on my bed with my head hanging off I massage my scalp encouraging the follicles to be productive. Then I spend good money to have someone apply hot wax and rip the hair from my face.

This week was face wax week.....don't want to start the new job feeling any more self conscious than I have I had it done. I get home and go right to the mirror to admire my reflection when I notice she missed a spot. Now most people might not have noticed.....but to me......I felt as if I had this huge patch of hair....could I have braided it I felt like everyone would notice. So I spent the day pretending that I always hold me left hand to my cheek. Do I think anyone noticed? Who one is going to walk up to you and say"what's the deal with your hand being stuck to your face?"

This morning I went to have this eye sore fixed. The employee who was going to fix it said to me "everyone has a little peach fuzz on their face." I wanted to say on one cheek???? To me it is more than peach fuzz but then again she looked like she was very young.....the M word isn't even part of her vocabulary.......and by the time it is.....I will be long gone.....but at least I will go minus the "peach fuzz".....

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