Saturday, July 23, 2011

Einstein Says.....

"Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning." — Albert Einstein

I think this pretty much sums up my life....

What have I learned from my past????
I have learned not to neglect myself. I have learned that I can put me first and the whole world doesn't fall apart. Because I neglected me I am where I am today. Poor food choices, poor self-esteem, no regular exercise equals the me of the past.

Live for today.....
I am doing that now. By putting myself first, making better choices and not focusing on where I have been but looking toward where I am going. Life is better for me now.....better than it has been in ages. I spend time working out, eating better, writing, napping (not at work) and planning for the future.

Hope for tomorrow.....
I have a zillion hopes and dreams. Each day I add more to my list. While a little dark cloud still follows me is not the huge storm cloud that used to hang around all the time.

Don't stop asking questions.....
Well Mr. Einstein.....I ask questions all the time.....what should I eat, what new activity should I attempt, what should I write about this week, what can I do to make the losing go faster than a snails pace, how can I come to accept myself as I am....Well Albert it might not be as important or intelligent as E=MCsquared (I couldn't figure out how to make the little 2 for squared....LOL) but to me these are thought provoking

Maybe I would do better writing about Simon Says vs. Einstein Says......

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