Monday, July 4, 2011

OK.....So this quote is from a Lifetime Movie....

"Surf wisdom says you have to swim out of you comfort zone to catch the wave that is going to change your life."

Yes, I said this came from a Lifetime kill me.....

You never know where the right words may come from. This was from a movie called "Flirting With Forty". I know, I know not from a profound Churchill, Gandhi or Einstein......LOL.

I have almost always played it safe. I am not the person who goes way out in the waves. I tend to stay close to shore. Impulsive.....never.....although I wish I could be.

When we went on a trip to Disneyland, I researched and bought a book. I studied all the angles. Then when I got there I had a plan. Enter the park to the left since everyone usually goes to the right. I knew the monorail schedule. I made sure the kids got all the Disney character autographs they could. Could I have just shown up at the park with no game plan??? Not me!!!!

But since Jan 2010, I have been swimming out of my comfort zone. Going to the gym was such a major step for me. Continuing to go is easy for me......I have money invested and if you know me well......I do not waste money!!!

Working on new eating habits.....hard to change but I can truly see progress. I think more about what I put in my mouth, how much I put in my mouth and why I want to put it in my mouth.

Phrases like sugar free, organic, steamed and whole grain have become part of my vocabulary. Foods like Quinoa, brown rice, couscous and veggies, veggies veggies are as much a part of my world as the things I have eaten all of my life.

This blog has forced me to stretch. Not the writing process, I think that has always been a part of me. The act of sharing so much of my life, thoughts, failures and dreams......OK that is not just swimming out of my comfort zone.....that is heading right into the waves and hoping to catch a good one on the way back.

I believe all the steps I am taking will change my life.....for the here I longer waiting for the perfect wave or staying close to the shore.......just grabbing any wave I can and hoping to make it safely to shore........SURFS UP!!!!!!!

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