Monday, July 4, 2011

To Put My Blog Link On Facebook Or Not???

I have been going back and forth over whether or not to put my blog link on facebook....

I have a group of about 25-30 people who read my blog on a regular basis......or at least I hope they do. So were do I go next??? I can put it on facebook and see how it goes.....that might be a good option.

My brother feels at some point I can make it into a book......anyone know a publisher who might take a look at it?????

I did tell my brother that this blog would be no way near ready to publish until I reach my goal. What is my goal you might ask......well here is what I is not a number.....surprise, surprise, surprise!!! I had always said I would be happy when I weighed X or lost X pounds......but guess what I have is not about the number. It is about me and how I feel. Yes, the weight is part of it but I do not have to weight X pounds in order to feel OK with myself. This journey of self-discovery has made me take a hard look at myself. Health is the biggest focus, happiness within myself is also at the forefront, how I look is not as important. I look at pictures of myself from my nephews wedding and guess what.....I like how I looked that day........that had more to do with the outfit, make-up and hair......not the weight.

So even thought my journey is long from over.....I have 55 years of me to fix.....not something that can be accomplished in 18 months.....each day I feel closer to my destination.

Keep your ear to the ground.....let me know if you know anyone in the publishing area who might take a look at this blog and even see if it has potential. I have figured out that even if no one else ever read a word of this.......that would be OK....I am proud of what I have accomplished and the words I have put down here. It has been therapeutic and helped me to grow not in girth but in spirit.

So here I go.....facebook here I come.....I will let you know how it goes......stay tuned......

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